Teaching expertise
Financial Econometrics, Green Economics, Quantitative Methods (I, II)
Conference papers
1. P.-H. Chou, Cognitive dissonance and its implications in finance, Money Watching & Credit Rating,no 38,15-22.
2. P.-H. Chou and Mei-Chen Lin, 2002, Effectiveness of price limits when investors are overconfident. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, Taiwan.
3. P.-H. Chou and Mei-Chen Lin, 2001, Assessing the size of asset-pricing tests under perfect ex ante efficiency, Proceedings of the 10th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, Taiwan.
4. P.-H. Chou and Wen-Shen Li, 2000, Factors, characteristics, and portfolio optimization, Proceedings of the 9th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, Taiwan.
5. P. -H. Chou and H. Wang, 2000, Alternative tests for event studies: A bootstrap approach, Proceedings of the 2000 Chinese Finance Association Annual Meeting, Taiwan: Taipei.
6. "Mutual fund styles, performance evaluation and investment horizons: Evidence from Taiwanese mutual funds," (with S. Lin and M. Lin), 2000, Securities Finance 65, 55-82.
7. "Using Bootstrap to test portfolio efficiency," (with Guofu Zhou), 1998 Proceedings of the 1998 NTU Conference on Finance, Vol. 2, 117-145. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Best Paper Award.
8. A microstructure investigation of Barings crisis: Information trading and trading mechanisms. (with J. Lee and Gang Shyy), Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Asia-Pacific Futures Research Symposium, 39-72, 1997.
9. Hedging effectiveness and price transmission of individual share futures, (with Gang Shyy), Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Asia-Pacific Futures Research Symposium, 83-92, 1996.